Arcane - +80% number of monsters, +100% number of monsters, no giant monsters, 8 additional waves.Carapace - Only armored waves, increased monster armor, reduced speed, +100% number of monsters, 6 additional waves.Bleeding Edge - +60% number of monsters, +80% monster hit points, no giant monsters, 4 additional waves.Time Siege - Kill all monsters before time runs out.Swarm - Only swarm waves, +60% number of monsters.Heroic - +20% number of monsters, +40% monster hit points, no giant monsters, 2 additional waves.

Dropping a gem bomb on a beacon damages it and if a beacon takes enough damage, it is removed. A beacon gives heals or temporary buffs to any monsters in its proximity. There may also be beacons on some levels. Spending a gem on a shrine causes more damage than spending it on a gem bomb. By sacrificing a gem, you may activate a shrine and get the effect for that particular shrine type. Some levels have shrines of various types on them which can be activated. Gems can be dropped on monsters as gem bombs, consuming the gem. If a gem is placed in a trap instead of a tower, it does very little damage but the special ability is much stronger. Placing a gem in a tower or a trap enables it to shoot at monsters. Higher grade gems have better damage, range and special abilities. You can create gems of grade 1-6 or combine gems to create higher grade gems. In other words, Mana also acts as your Lives in the game. If a monster reaches your Wizard Tower, you lose Mana and if you lose more Mana than you have, then game ends. The primary resource in the game is Mana and you gain Mana from killing monsters. Gemcraft Zero is a Tower Defense game where your towers are powered by differently colored gems.